~ Thank you for reaching out for a Vedic Astrology Reading ~

Vedic Astrology Readings
~ Read here what people say about their reading ~
Examples of consultation topics
Vedic astrology is a vast field and can cover any topic of life. If your topic is not in the list below, you may also contact me via email at [email protected].
In the blog section I have also written an article on what I generally prepare for a Vedic Astrology chart reading. Of course this highly depend on your questions.
All readings can include general questions about any doubts and struggles you may have, and advices on gemstones and remedies. The topics below are just meant as examples of the potentialities of a reading:
- Fulfilling desires and transcending tendencies: Insights to fulfill heartfelt desires and transcend unwanted tendencies.
- Health and medical Astrology: Insights in Ayurvedic body type, diet, lifestyle, karma behind diseases and home remedies.
- Soul purpose: Why you are here? What are your main life lessons? And how to approach some core desires in your life?
- Relationships and marriage: Questions relating to relationship problems or finding a partner.
- Career and work: Questions relating to the type of career and how to overcome obstacles in career and work flow. Or advice on improving business opportunities.
Prices and workflow

For full astrology readings I ask to contribute €150[1]Concessions for those in serious financial problems, or those living in lower-income countries, may be granted after emailing me a detailed request: [email protected]. In these readings you may ask me as many questions that you like. For very short and concise questions I can lower the regular rate. For example, if you only want to have insights in two of the above-mentioned areas, we can do an hour long reading for €108.
To sign up for a reading just email me at: [email protected]. We will discuss your requirements and also select preferred payment method. This can be either paypal (also for creditcards) or bank transfer.
A full consultation always includes an one and a half hour video call meeting. Afterwards, I will email you the recordings.
I always assess a horoscope in broad perspective. However, to make sure that we use our time in the best way, I also advise you to prioritize by choosing only four of the above topics to focus on.
Follow-up email exchange about the same subjects is always included. In this way, I can have another look at your horoscope if some additional question arise within a year time. Later, or more elaborate follow-up consultations can be booked for € 108 per hour.
This link leads to my formal company info.
Topic example 1: Fulfilling wishes and Transcending Tendencies
In Vedic astrology, the birth chart gives strong indications of our desires and tendencies of this lifetime. If you choose this reading topic, we use the birth chart not as blueprint for life, but rather as stepping stone to newer and fresher opportunities.
Everyone is born with certain desires, talents and tendencies. These often shape our life experiences and are different for every individual. All of these can be seen in planetary placements.
The opportunity here is to transcend unwanted and less constructive tendencies, and to nourish the ones that we choose to follow. In Vedic astrology, more subtle divisional charts can reveal the greater unfolding of our later life in for example: relationships and career. When we feel stuck in specific areas, the more subtle divisional charts can show us the way forward.
Moreover, also every planet has certain more uplifting and also dissatisfying qualities. For example, depression and complaining are often related to Saturn. But, de-attachment and discipline are seen as well from this planet. The latter two qualities can help with transcending the first two.
With this reading topic, I will reveal tools and ways to move forward, so that you can approach life in newer and fresher ways.
In this way we use your birth chart as a stepping stone to move further into the greatest potential that life has in store for you.

Topic example 2: Health and Medical Astrology
Within this reading topic we focus on improving your lifestyle and diagnosing the karmic root-causes of diseases. This can help in both accepting and alleviating illnesses.
We can fine-tune your efforts to live in harmony with you physical constitution.
This is always beneficial for your well-being, whether you are presently in good health or not.
Your individual body type is essential in Ayurveda. The different elements (earth, water, fire, air/wind and ether) determine this body type in a balance unique for your individual constitution. Whenever this balance gets disrupted the body falls ill.
In this reading topic we also look at both the disease-causing and health improving planets. If your health problems are already diagnosed, I will focus on prescribing astrological remedies. Applying these remedies can help in releasing the karmic seeds behind the disease.
In case you have an undiagnosed ailment, we can also choose to focus on the body parts that are affected by the disease-causing planets. This could possibly help with selecting the right medical check-ups or guiding your choice for visiting certain medical specialists.
Moreover, we can also explore in which of the Ayurvedic doshas (vata, pitta and/or kapha) a disease is manifesting according to your horoscope. This helps in further fine-tuning your diet and lifestyle.
A medical astrological consult will never substitute visits to Ayurvedic or Allopathic specialists. In fact, in case of serious diseases, I always recommend working with other medical specialist and doing astrological and (Ayurvedic) home remedies on the side.
Whenever medical treatments are said not to be possible anymore, astrological remedies can still help with ‘cushioning’ the conditions of the disease.

Topic example 3: Soul Purpose: Why you are here?
In Vedic astrology both conscious and unconscious desires are addressed. The soul is represented by both the Sun and ‘Atmakaraka’ (soul planet). The more conscious desires from the mind are seen in the position of Rahu (called the North Node of the Moon in Western astrology).
The houses and signs that are influenced by Rahu and the Atmakaraka reveal a lot about the main life-lessons to be learned this lifetime.
In this reading topic we explore how you can integrate these main life lessons into different realms of your daily life. We will explore ways to either fulfil or transcend some core desires.
Topic example 4: Relationships and marriage
Some are looking for a partner in their life. Others may need advice about how to overcome challenges in relationships. In both cases Vedic astrology can help in illuminating the main learning experiences.
Vedic astrology has extensive ways to see how charts of potential partners match well. Moreover, from comparing charts we can see in what areas of life the partners have to compromise and reach out to each other. There are various ways to assess compatibility between potential partners.
Especially the constellations that relate to the Moon (nakshatras) have an important impact on how relationships evolve.

Topic example 5: Career
What study or job shall I choose? How to I overcome obstacles with my colleagues or boss? How do I get my business going?
Vedic Astrology has an entirely special chart dedicated to career. From this chart we can read which professions will fit you well and whether, for example, either a paid job or starting an own business might be a better option for you.
Please ask your questions relating to the type of career and how to overcome obstacles in career and your workflow.
~ May we all flow like the River Ganga ~

~ Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~
~ May all beings be Happy and Free ~
~ For reviews: you may leave a comment entirely down below this page ~
↑1 | Concessions for those in serious financial problems, or those living in lower-income countries, may be granted after emailing me a detailed request: [email protected] |
Sadanand has done several consults for me in the past year.
Thanks to the information that Sadanand shared with me, I was able to understand particular struggles that I was encountering. With Sadanand’s suggestions I could take a smart approach in these struggles. I will share now an example what happened:
At times I was disappointed by things not being so nurturing for me, coming from society. Sadanand could see in my astrology map that nurturing coming from society would never come easy but only slow. For this I would need patience, which is not a strong characteristic in me. It made me understand why many things hadn’t happened in my life. Now I could be more understanding and therefore I could better accept this, and be more patient with it. Slowly, I have seen good and sweet things coming to me from society now, little by little…
Also there have been moments, consulting Sadanand, when he would warn me about certain days or periods to come. In those days or periods, as far as I can understand, particular planets would be in a certain position, relative to other planets or stars, being not favorable for me.
Especially since I am dealing with a healing process and focussing on spiritual growth, I would do the effort to be more on guard and be aware in order to protect myself. Having this information made me understand why life and people could suddenly seem unfriendly towards me, or why things suddenly just didn’t turn out so well for me anymore. Unexplainable situations started to make more sense to me. It all helped me to understand my life and struggles better and have more peace with it in general.
Thanks so much for your appreciation Gokul! It is always a pleasuring meeting you and sharing with you! It is very nice to see how quickly you grasped astrological guidance and integrated it so efficiently in your life already.
May your live be blessed and am looking forward staying in tocuh and sharing much more together to uplift each other and the planet.
~ Sadanand ~
I feel lucky that I got chance to get connected with Sadanand sir. He is humble and explained all my doubts/ queries patiently to me. Advise simple remedies which I found really helpful in my situation. Thank you so much Sir 🙏🏻
🙏🏻You are most welcome Priyanka. It was a pleasure meeting you and here is looking forward sharing more in the future. All best wishes and blessings for you🙏🏻.
Sadanand ji’s guidance has had a remarkable effect in my life in the last year of 2020. I have consulted him several times and his perspective of reading the astrological chart has really helped me to delve into the details of my life as well as day to day happenings. What life is manifesting or trying to manifest needs that eye of master like Sadanand ji to decipher and lay the cards out flat.
I have undergone lot of transformation due to his help and I advise people to take advice from him for their own benefit.
May God bless him for his services to the mankind.
Thanks so much for your appreciation Siddharta. It is a pleasure to meet you and share astrological insights.
It is beautiful to see how quickly you picked up some insights and integrated them into your daily life, and seeing some fruits of them already!
May you and your loved ones be blessed always. Looking forward staying in touch.
~ Sadanand ~
I’ve always been a sceptic when it comes to sharing my details as I felt I could not trust any astrologer. Through my initial interaction with Sadanand, I could see his passion for astrology, spirituality, and genuinely helping people. So I shared details, with him and consulted him. He helped me understand my astrology charts, provided guidance based on his observations and solutions for my problems. I realised after talking to him how he has a research and knowledge-based approach to astrology. His guidance has helped me gain more perspective on my struggles. I’ve also learnt more about myself and solutions for problems I’ve been facing.
He patiently answered all of my questions and explained the reasons behind all solutions he suggested. I loved this scientific approach to astrology and am glad I consulted him.
Thank you for your kind words Aishwarya. Am glad to hear your appreciations. It was a pleasure meeting you and here is looking forward being in touch in the future. All the best.
Sadanand has a very stable, ‘ fatherly’, reassuring, silent comforting energy.
As I felt a bit nervous about the session beforehand, I immediately felt comfortable and reassured in his company.
I was very happy and surprised with the consult.
I recognized a lot that has been said about my life and personal characteristics.
Mainly, I got a lot of practical tips for my daily life. I could choose the topics I wanted to be handled beforehand.
And so the strength of the consult, lies in the very practical things you can do in certain situations that are perceived by us as difficult.
I received for example, great tips for my work area, jobs that I already knew would be good for me, but had forgotten about, were recommended and I now intent to follow up on this at the right time.
Further, Sadanand is very wise and has a highly intelligent practical mind, he has the ability in his speech to communicate the right things to you, so he has a lot of knowledge about a lot of things, like where do you get certain support from governments.
The consult can also be seen partly as a coaching consult. If you have practical questions about relationships, for example: how do I deal with certain situations with this person and so on. He gives great communication advice as well.
He follows up his advice with direct links to websites, certain therapists, etc.
His advices ranged from specific mantras in certain specific difficult situations, till practical solutions as dancing or focusing on a certain aspect of the divine mother when certain vasanas come up.
These seemingly small things, have helped me a lot to break through certain patters when they came up. Whereas before I would have been stuck. And I could never have thought this out on my own.
Still it remains a challenge often to really do the right thing in the moment for me! I believe practice and patience are keywords here..
After the session, I felt a renewed fresh outlook to continue my sadhana and life.
I came home with a bag full of new tips and possibilities, on the areas where I had felt stuck.
It was a lot of information, though, I felt a bit overwhelmed at the same time immediate afterwards, a small tip for Sadanand, would be in future to keep it a little shorter for those sensitive types like me.
And to give the remaining information in the summary that he anyway writes for you afterwards in pdf. This summery was also great, because so we get to go through the main points of the whole session again.
Last, I was relieved that nothing was said about the future. I don’t believe in future predictions at all, and when I got them before they were either false, or they created fear in the mind. Sadanand choose wisely to stay away from that (maybe because I told him beforehand that I did not want that). I know that if you would be interested in future predictions, there are some things that could be said about the future in general.
So, in short, I would recommend this to anyone who feels stuck/ has issues in certain areas of life, or even if you are just curious about astrology or want to get to know yourself better.
Don’t hesitate and get a consult.
You will feel great probably, with new insights and with renewed enthusiasm, possibilities and breakthroughs, afterwards.
Thanks Laura for your kind words. I am very happy to read that the reading provided you with so much enthusiasm and a renewed outlook.
It is very true that the consultations are often not meant to be expected to integrate in your life in a very short time. Sometimes we address major life lessons and integrating these often takes some time.
Thank you also for the advice to reduce the information a bit more for the sensitive ones (-;. I will handle that better in the future by:
A) leaving some details out of the conversation and adding them to the written summary,
B) Reminding you about this summary and about recordings before the consultation, so that I can advise you to listen without any need to retain all information.
C) I will also ask future clients to prioritise their topics more (we had so much to talk about (-;).
Thanks for your kind words and feedback. Looking forward to our future interactions!
~ Sadanand ~
Sadanand Sir is truly a brilliant astrologer. He can very precisely pinpoint the subtle nuances in ones chart and come up with a constructive consultation and proper remedies.
Thanks Le, it was nice meeting you and doing this very short consultation for you. Please let me know if you have further questions.
All the best with your studies,
It’s wonderful how Sadanand looks at your chart from the perspective of being on the spiritual path. He looks so much deeper and helps you figure out what to do in certain situations from the perspective of the journey of the soul that is destined to merge with God. What a relief!
Sadanand takes into consideration the divisional charts and so so so much more. I really think it’s important an astrologer lives a sattvic, pure lifestyle, with meditation, service, a spiritual Master, vegetarian diet and no substance abuse. All this is normal for Sadanand, and from his sadhana years, spiritual pilgrimages for example in India, he is always looking for God. I know he has a lot to give to us in his consults. So, yes, very happy with his help in finding answers in subjects like my singingcareer, service, relations etc.
With him you can discuss the subjects of life on earth and always find a higher direction so it will bring the soul closer to God. Essential for an astrologer to do this! He helps you develop the sattvic qualities of the planet. Next to that he really cares deeply about the person he helps, and with this love in his heart he wishes to be of service and sees his consults as a sadhana. Thank you Sadanand.
Tanmayi – Judith
Namaste dear Tanmayi,
Thank you for your kind message and words. It is always a joy to look at life together and find inspiration to take the most elevated ways in our potential. Am looking forward sharing much more in the future. All the best with you singing career. May you continue to live life joyfully and in the most auspicious ways possible.
All blessings on your path,
Hi 🙏 Sadanand, i really have to say your reading confirmed some things I had felt already. It clarified some long term struggles and also enriched my perspective for how to deal with it. I have started some of the remedies you prescribed and am looking forward stayin in touch 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you
It was nice meeting your Peter. Am happy the reading helped you already. Alse here I am looking forward staying in touch!
I really liked the reading. Sadanand looks at the chart very deeply. It helped me very much, he gives me mantra which help me to find peace of soul. I am really thankful to sadanand for his help
It was nice meeting you Kamlesh. Am happy to read that you are experiencing the effects of the mantra already. The Sanskrit vibrations can always make a difference.
We be in touch, all the best for you ~.
Sadanand sir is not only humble but his reading are accurate with lot of sensable explainations, i really felt good while talking to him feel really positive and got my problem solved
You are welcome Prateeksha, was nice meeting you and hope to be in touch in the future
Sadanand’s reading of my chart helped me to ground my emotions and to take a better look at my natural skills and life skills that I have to develop in order to succeed with my present and future tasks. Besides, it reassured my life path and made me aware of what is naturally happening in my life. I’m very thankful for his work, his care, and his dedication and commitment to Vedic astrology.
Thanks Christina for your appreciation. Am happy to read that the reading helped you.
All the best for you and your future steps in life!
~ Sadanand ~
Thank you so much ❤ your analysis is too good👍 it helps me a lottttt
It was a pleasure meeting you and looking into your chart, happy it is helping you and feel free to contact me again
Sadanand ji’s guidance has had a remarkable effect in my life.
I would like to say here that sometimes we come across obstacles in life and doesn’t know which way to go or which path to choose or don’t know exact solution.
Hence, we are in search of advice and those who will take care of us & show the correct path to live in life.
I am lucky to found Sadanand ji in my life.
He has not only help to read my chart but become my advisor as well to show correct path in life. I have consulted him so many times and his reading the astrological chart has really helped me.. He gave me mantra which help me to find peace of soul, mantras will really help me in my llife.
I have undergone lot of transformation due to his help and I advise people to take advice from him for their own benefit.
Blessed to have Sadanand ji in my life..
Thank you.
Am very grateful to have meet you Mangesh
Your integrity and sincere approach to give the best of yourself in life is a gift for the world. Am happy to hear that the advices and mantras benefit your life and am looking forward being in touch in the future….
All knowledge I share with you comes from the beautiful Indian tradition you belong to. The wise ones have passed it on and I am lucky to have learned from it. To me your tradition is the true Guru and I am grateful if i can serve human kind via this vast wisdom as a servant/guardian of this little knowledge that has come to me.
Just had a reading with Sadanand. After having had many readings with Vedic astrologers, i found this one quite different, as it was more “tailormade” – felt, my questions really were understood and the answers very helpful. Also liked, that Sadanand was offering clarification, if any questions came up after the reading and/or the digestion of it. All in all highly recommendable – also because of his amiable character and spiritual background. So much understanding and empathy there. Thank you so much
Thanks so much for your kind feedback Parimala! It was a joy to share a reading with you and hope to be in touch in the future also. All the best wishes for you ~
Good and Reliable Astrology Services
Since then i am consulting him and i am very satisfied. He is a very sensible person nature wise and he also helped me out with right solution for my problem, his solutions were simple like prayers and mantra which has helped me a lot. His prediction is 100% accurate and reliable.
Relieved after talking to him, no nonsense.. he listens all your issue patiently and gives pretty easy & doable solution..
Would look forward to speaking with you again..🙏🏻
Pranaam Sir 🙏🏻 😀
Thanks for your feedback Sumit. Am happy to meet you and see people like you driving well to finish their studies and live a good life in all aspects. All the best and am looking forward to our next time meeting.
~ Sadanand ~
Sadanand has a very deep understanding of Vedic Astrology and he has true knowledge of meaning of the planets, planetary positions, deities and remedies.
Thank you!
Was nice meeting you in this way Dayaveer. Be in touch…..
Palm reading gives best perdiction of life, luck, destiny of a person. Info on your weblog is good.please upload more info. Keep up the good work.
I am back sharing consultations after a little break ~ ….
De astrologische reading heeft veel inzichten gegeven in waar ik in dit moment van mijn leven sta en hoe ik de balans kan behouden tussen alle onderstromen in mij. Ook stormachtige tijden van mijn verleden kon Sadanand helder duiden, . De wetenschap dat deze tijdens er in de toekomst er ook weer aan komen geeft me inzicht en bewustzijn om daar nu anders mee om te gaan. Zijn reading heeft veel zelfinzicht gegeven en elke keer ben ik weer onder de indruk van Sadanand zijn kennis, passie en gedrevenheid ten aanzien van de Vedische Astrologie
Dank je Sven. Ik vind het elke keer weer heel inspirerend om je te ontmoeten en te zien hoe jouw bijzondere leven zich verder ontvouwd. Je bent altijd welkom en kijk uit naar een volgende ontmoeting!
I had a full consultation with Sadanand. He goes into a lot of depth and sees things in a different way from other astrologers have shared with me before. I got really good advice for what is going on in my life at the moment and how to look at it from an astrological standpoint. Sadanand is really wise, insightful and also has a lot of compassion! Thanks very much Sadanand
Thank you Gunamayi, it was a pleasure to meet you and share astrological insights with you. Please reach out again whenever you feel like.
I feel lucky that I got chance to get connected with Sadanand sir. He is humble and explained all my doubts/ queries patiently to me. Advise simple remedies which I found really helpful in my situation. Thank you so much Sir 🙏🏻
Most humble , most helping person. May god bless you with immense joy.
Thank you for your gratitude Tisha. Am happy we could meet and that I could be of any help. All the best and be connected!
Life is there to live.
To breathe, to move, to dance.
A discovery, a journey.
To experience and experience more and more space and freedom in and with the development.
Being together with Sadanand and being allowed to receive an interpretation of the stars and the planets adds a new layer to that perception and experience.
Sadanand donates from openness and truthfulness and outlines in detail what can and may be shared.
I have never been able to get it so detailed and with interpretation.
There is peace and attention and Sadanand also radiates that he wants to be there for you. As in a journey we travel together.
Life is there to live.
To breathe, to move, to dance.
A discovery, a journey. Alone and together.
Thank you dear Sadanand!
With dear gratitude,
Hi Mark, it is a pleasure to meet you and share Jyotish with you. Here is looking forward staying in touch!
Sadanand is een bevlogen astroloog. Het consult was erg behulpzaam en gaf veel inzichten. Ook aanvullende vragen die ik had werden uitgebreid beantwoord. Heel veel dank voor de tijd en ruimte die je neemt om een goede uitleg te geven. Zeker een aanrader!
Dank je voor je bericht Carmen. Heel leuk je te ontmoeten en samen via de planeten naar jouw leven te kijken.
Exploring Vedic Astrology and Medical Jyotish consultations on this platform was a journey into ancient wisdom. The comprehensive approach to Ayurvedic astrology offers a unique insight into health and well-being. The blend of traditional Indian knowledge with astrology provides a holistic perspective on one’s physical and mental state. The opportunity to consult experts in this field is a valuable resource for individuals seeking personalized guidance for their overall wellness journey. This platform bridges the gap between astrology and healthcare, offering a distinctive avenue for those interested in a comprehensive approach to well-being.
Sadanand has done several readings for me in the last year and I have amazed at the insights I received from these charts both for myself and my son! I would highly recommend him if you are looking for insights into any aspect of your life. Thank you so much Sadanand!
Thanks for your message Dory, it was a pleasure looking into your charts and looking forward being in touch.