On this website you can read more about the Astrology Consultations that I am offering.

For those that are new to Vedic Astrology, I have added an introductory article. This article is useful for anybody who likes to book a reading or anyone who is curious about the unique features of this Indian Astrology.

You may also read an article about different types of remedies in Vedic Astrology. These ancient remedies are an integral part of Vedic Astrology and in their essence also very beautiful spiritual practices.

The name of this website, ayurvedic-astrology.com, refers to the close connection between Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology. I started to study astrology to get insight in a few medical questions. After experiencing the accuracy and power of astrology, I made myself familiar with many other fields of this ancient wisdom. Under about myself I introduce myself a bit further.

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